Fallout new vegas raiders
Fallout new vegas raiders

I am in the belief that the Raiders waited too long to remove their head coach. The remarks made by the former Raiders head coach were indeed despicable but the owner allowing his former head coach to continue to coach men who were affected by the disparaging remarks he made should have never happened. After speaking to a few close friends who follow the Raiders as religiously as I follow the Cowboys, I have to think the locker room might already be fractured.

fallout new vegas raiders

His statement was meant to condemn the act but also to keep his team from imploding. The Las Vegas Raiders have inexplicably been dealt a blow because of an investigation involving a Cowboys division rival.Ĭonfusing, to say the least, but the message current Raiders general manager and former NFL network talking head Mike Mayock has pushed is the Raiders still have goals in this NFL season.

fallout new vegas raiders

I have to admit that I let out a sigh of relief to watch the off-field drama that is unfolding around the NFL and it does not include the Dallas Cowboys.

Fallout new vegas raiders